EU Imposes Duties on Chinese Solar Panels, But Keeps Door Ajar for Talks

Renewable Energy World.COM
06 June 2013
The European Commission has formally ruled to impose antidumping duties on Chinese solar panels, cells, and wafers, but is offering a short grace period of lower duties in the hopes of finding a resolution in broader trade relations.
A month ago, after a nine-month investigation, the EC concluded that Chinese solar panels sold in Europe should have fair value 88 percent higher than for what they are actually being sold. Their recommendation:provisional antidumping duties averaging 47.6 percent, and ranging from 37.3 to 67.9 percent, on more than 100 companies. That lower amount is attributed to a “lesser duty rule” which only aims to “restore a level playing field,” the EC says.  Read more

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Market Segment
System Size
Total Capacity
0 - 30 kWp
Commercial and Industrial (C&I) - SSEG
30kWp - 1MWp
C&I Large Scale and utility scale
1MWP - 50MWp
Utility Scale
> 50MWp