Manufacturing Working Group


The Manufacturing Working Group comprises local manufacturers, Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs), and component distributors. The group concentrates on tackling specific issues related to the development of local Photovoltaic (PV) value chains and contributes to defining local content related to the Renewable Energy Independent Power Producer Procurement Program (REIPPPP) and other government-led procurement programs.

"To raise awareness among all stakeholders that buying locally manufactured products will ensure that the money spent by citizens stays in the country. It will also assist the country in realising its dream of growing the economy, safeguarding jobs, and creating more jobs for the unemployed."

Patrick Govender
Manufacturing WG: Chairperson

Chairperson – Enel

Deputy Chairperon – Microcare



Market Segment
System Size
Total Capacity
0 - 30 kWp
Commercial and Industrial (C&I) - SSEG
30kWp - 1MWp
C&I Large Scale and utility scale
1MWP - 50MWp
Utility Scale
> 50MWp