Roundtable Conversation Series – Economic Development in REIPPPP Supporting sound community trusts – establishment, governance and operations
Supporting sound community trusts- establishment, governance and operations, hosted at the Industrial Development Corporation on the 23rd May 2016.
Renewables projects have to comply with socio-economic development (SED) and enterprise development (ED) and also local ownership obligations. The latter requires projects to establish a legal entity representing a beneficiary community. Most projects opt to establish a community trust for this purpose. The role of this trust in the wider community engagement and development work of projects ishowever flexible. Depending on project location, beneficiary community characteristics and funder conditions, the formation and governance of these trusts tend todiffer a lot. This roundtable discussion unpacked and further explored the prerequisites of successful community trusts through the work with selected case studies from within the renewables and mining sectors.
The presentations can be accessed by clicking on the below links:
REIPPPP And Community Trusts
RE promoting social development through community trusts?
Supporting sound community trusts – establishment, governance and operations