Renewable Energy Industry Comments on Framework for Sectors
The Industry Associations have worked tirelessly over the weekend to submit our motivation to include Renewable Energy in the Level 4 restrictions of the lockdown. SAPVIA engaged members over the weekend and worked with SAWEA, SAESA and other Industry Associations to ensure that a compelling motivation was provided to Government for the inclusion of Renewable Energy in Level 4 restrictions of the lockdown.
The the joint SAREC submission includes the motivation to include RE under Level 4 restrictions, the particular clauses that should be changed (All Electricity Supply, Construction and Supply Chains) and the back to work protocols addressing the full value chain of RE (IPPs – Operational and under construction, Small Scale Embedded Generation EPC/Installers – in office and on site, Project Developers and OEMs/Component Manufacturers and Distributors – including transportation).
We reached out to our partners at BUSA, PPGI, SALGA and AMEU to include renewable energy in their submissions. Please the PPGI Submission which includes RE IPP and Distributed Generation projects. They also included a sector planning tool which could be used.