The Republic of Botswana is facing a huge power supply deficit owing to diminished surplus generation capacity in the region and the growing electrical energy requirements in Botswana. This has been compounded by the low availability of Morupule B power station. The base generation plants currently consist of Morupule “A” with an installed capacity of 132MW and Morupule “B” with 600MW. The available base generation capacity averages 260MW only from Morupule B power station since the Morupule “A” plant is undergoing refurbishment. The current peak demand stands at approximately 600MW and the supply gap is met through imports mainly from South Africa (Eskom) and some from Mozambique (EDM). The two emergency plants, Orapa 90MW and Matshelagabedi 105MW are also dispatched when the imports are not available or when they are too expensive. According to the twenty year national electricity demand forecast (2015 to 2035), it is predicted that the electricity demand will grow from a diversified base of approximately 606 MW in 2015 to an expected High Scenario of approximately 1, 523 MW in 2035. The Low Scenario will reach approximately 1184 MW and the most likely Scenario is expected to grow to an estimated value of 1,359 MW in 2035. This is based on the average growth rate per annum for the low, likely and high scenarios of 8%, 10% and 11% respectively.
To address the power supply challenges and to meet the future electricity demand, the Botswana Power Corporation (BPC) in conjunction with the Ministry Of Minerals, Green Technology and Energy Security (MMGE) has embarked on a comprehensive electrical power system development strategy which includes among others, the development of a 100MW solar power plant two years from appointment of the preferred Independent Power Producer (IPP) joint venture partner. The additional power generation will be from a new solar power plant constructed, commissioned, owned and operated, by the IPP joint venture company. This initiative is in line with National Energy Policy goal of providing affordable, reliable and adequate supply of energy for sustainable development, as well as improving access to and efficient use of energy resources.
The objectives of the 100 MW Solar Power plant project are to:
a) Improve security and reliability of energy supply,
b) Increase share of new and renewable sources of energy in the energy supply mix of the country,
c) Offset the country’s carbon footprint
The Botswana Power Corporation (BPC) would therefore like to engage companies or firms into a Joint Venture for the development, implementation and operation of a 100 MW Solar Power Plant with suitable storage capacity. The plant will be located in Botswana, and the new formed Joint Venture will sell its power to BPC through a Power Purchasing Agreement (PPA).
Therefore, Expression of Interest is invited from power generation companies /Independent Power Producers (IPPs) /power plant developers / Captive Power Producers for developing a solar power plant in a joint venture with BPC.
Purpose of EOI Invitation:
Through this EOI, Botswana Power Corporation intends to identify the suitable Power Project Partner willing to step into a Joint Venture Partnership.
Interested Companies must provide information indicating their capability, experience and qualification to perform the project as required by submitting the following;
Firm/Company profile
Description of similar assignments undertaken by the firm.
Reference solar generation projects (capacity, location, technology deployed)
Relevant experience
Expressions of Interest shall be disqualified from the short listing process and eliminated from further consideration for any of the following:-
i) the EoI is not deposited in the Tender Box as per instructions to bidders;
ii) the EoI is not responsive to any one or more of the requirements above;
The Corporation will shortlist (pre-qualify) companies based on assessment of the received expressions of interest using the information as requested. Short listed companies or firms would be invited to tender for the required services by responding to a detailed Request for Proposal (RfP). Clarifications pertaining to this call for expression of interest may be obtained from Mr Edward Rugoyi at +267 3603250 or Cell: + 267 71300767 during office hours [07:00 to 16:00 hours Monday to Friday].
Expressions of Interest (EoI) should be deposited in the TENDER BOX situated in the Botswana Power Corporation, Supply Chain (Procurement) Office, Nkrumah Road, Gaborone, Botswana by 14th June 2017 on or before 10:00 Hrs and should be marked as follows:-
The Chief Executive Officer
Botswana Power Corporation
Joint venture for a 100MW Solar Power Plant located in Botswana.
Information to note:
The language of submission shall be English;
Prospective parties must submit their Expression of Interest in writing, and in two copies ONLY;
At this stage, the EOI does not constitute a Request for Proposal (RFP) or a promise to issue an RFP in the future;
The request for information does not commit BPC to contract for supply or service whatsoever;
Further, BPC at this stage is not seeking proposals and is not accepting unsolicited proposals;
The Corporation (BPC) is not paying for any information or administrative costs incurred in the response to the EOI; all costs associated with responding to this Expression of Interest are solely at the interested party’s expense.
1. Why is this working group important?“The PV industry is growing and lacking skills”. To fill the gap and identify the skills that are needed in the PV industry, also drive the development of the training programmes and their quality assurances.)
2. Why should members join this working group? To make sure that the training guidelines we develop and the direction are and is in line with the needs of the industry.
3. What will the future of the working group look like? Develop road maps for solar PV training in different educational levels from schools, tvet colleges and universities. Also assure that the quality of the trainings which are offered and in place meet the standards and the demands of the industry.
4. What capacity (time, resources) is expected from members who want to join the working group? Make time to join and fully participate in the meetings.
1. Why is this working group important? Distributed Generation (which includes SSEG, EG, Wheeling Projects, BESS etc) in broad terms is the future solution for energy supply, not only in South Africa where load shedding exists, but also internationally. The reason is that on-site or localised generation (i.e. generation closer to load centres) from alternative and mostly RE resources are fast becoming cheaper than the traditional vertically integrated energy supply systems. Vertical systems also mostly rely on fossil-fuels which has to be transitioned away from in the interest of sustainability.
2. Why should members join this working group? Everyone has a duty to plough back into the industry within which he/she operates. This working group provides the opportunity to members from various backgrounds to become involved and contribute in fields wherein those individuals has expertise and could make a difference. It also creates the opportunity where participants in our industry get to know each other, thereby building your network to be able to share insights and gain insights. One proviso is however that this is a “working group”, not a sitting group, committee or a passenger group. If you don’t contribute and intend to just gain and not share then this group might not be for you.
3. What will the future of the working group look like? The working group would have diversified working streams whereby topical focus is obtained to a broad scope in industry interests to then provide feedback from such focused expertise to the larger working group for the benefit of the industry at large.
4. What capacity (time, resources) is expected from members who want to join the working group? A two-hour WG meeting every second month and a two-hour workstream engagement every alternate month. So two-hours per month in general unless there are occasions when members are called upon to engage externally in addition to just contributing to the current matters – such as industry forums, conferences, webinars, networking events etc.
1. Why is this working group important? To raise awareness among all stakeholders that buying locally manufactured products will ensure that the money spent by citizens stays in the country. It will also assist the country in realising its dream of growing the economy, safeguarding jobs, and creating more jobs for the unemployed.
2. Why should members join this working group? The benefit of this group work is that you can collaborate with experts who can learn from each other. Each group member will have something they can give the other team members. Local Manufacturing Members can get to understand the industry’s needs and requirements. End users will be able to understand what locally produced equipment is available in the market and share their requirements with the group.
3. What will the future of the working group look like? The expectation is that this working group will be able to engage with all industry stakeholders and offer solutions for all locally produced equipment and services at competitive rates.
4. What capacity (time, resources) is expected from members who want to join the working group? 1-2 Hours per month.
1. Why is this working group important? The Environmental Working Group is important as it keeps our members informed with current information regarding any new regulations applicable to the industry, regulatory changes or amendments, environmental best practices and compliance, trends and any other relevant topics.
2. Why should members join this working group? The working group is for participants that are passionate about making a difference and serving the sector for the best environmental results. The working group presents opportunities to learn and gain experience in areas outside of their own expertise and to share their knowledge with others. Participants and their specific expertise provide credibility to the work achieved in the working group.
3. What will the future of the working group look like? The working group will build on its knowledge base and expand into new areas that require focus for new matters at any specific time that the future will present in an ever-changing world.
4. What capacity (time, resources) is expected from members who want to join the working group? Members will need to be committed to serve at least 1.5 – 2.0 hours every quarter.
1. Why is this working group important? Grid Access is the single greatest challenge for the integration of renewable into the grid, not only in South Africa but Globally. This working group seeks to provide a platform for industry to support each other in all matters related to grid access, grid capacity, Eskom/industry discussions as well as keep up to date on the latest grid access rules be considered.
2. Why should members join this working group? Understanding the rules regarding grid access isn’t always easy, this working group is a great place to touch base with other industry colleagues to share knowledge, insight, tips and tricks as well as get access to the latest happening in the transmission grid access space. We also provide updates from the Energy Council and NECOM discussions with Eskom on the latest developing grid rules and proposals. We are also the creators and custodian of the National Annual Renewable Energy Grid Survey which is in the 3rd year of its existence. The national grid survey has become a key document to inform upcoming Eskom Transmission Planning studies such as the GCCA and TDP.
3. What will the future of the working group look like? We encourage broad participation by anyone in the industry with an interest in doing grid access applications. Future working groups will encourage grid managers from IPPs to assist with sharing knowledge from their own experience to benefit and give back in general.
4. What capacity (time, resources) is expected from members who want to join the working group? We will meet once every quarter. The working group will also call for volunteers for initiatives which may require additional donated time. The additional time will vary based on the initiative in question but is typically a few hours of service every month.
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