SA electricity prices hurting the poor, despite protection measures – Frost & Sullivan

Engineering News – ONLINE
18 September 2014
Despite apparent legitimate reasoning behind State-owned power utility Eskom’s electricity tariff increases, increased costs would undoubtedly hurt those in the lower portion of South Africa’s income distribution,consulting firm Frost & Sullivan Africa energy and environmental research associate Thembie Chehore said on Thursday.
Chehore pointed out that the utility’s tariff increases had grown from a modest rate of 5.1% in 2006/7 to a peak of 31.3% in 2009/10.  Read more…

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Market Segment
System Size
Total Capacity
0 - 30 kWp
Commercial and Industrial (C&I) - SSEG
30kWp - 1MWp
C&I Large Scale and utility scale
1MWP - 50MWp
Utility Scale
> 50MWp