Eskom announces stage 2 load shedding
FIN24 28 November 2014 Eskom will implement rotational load shedding in stage 2 over the weekend in a bid to augment its water and diesel reserves for the week ahead, it said on Friday afternoon. Load shedding will be from 6:00 to 22:00 on Saturday and 8:00 to 22:00 on Sunday. Read more…
Eskom offers voluntary separation packages
Engineering News ONLINE 26 November 2014 Eskom has asked its staff to consider voluntary retrenchment packages, a spokesman confirmed on Wednesday. “We can confirm that we have announced the process by which employees can apply for voluntary separation packages,” spokesperson Andrew Etzinger
Dec Medupi Unit 6 sync deadline at risk, as unit interval plan comes into focus
Engineering News – ONLINE 25 November 2014 Electricity utility Eskom has confirmed a likely further, albeit modest, slippage in the schedule for first synchronisation of Medupi Unit 6, which was scheduled for December 24, 2014. The delay is the latest in several to afflict the project, which has
SA rooftop solar PV industry poised for growth, says law firm
Engineering News – ONLINE 24 November 2014 Global law firm Baker & McKenzie partner Paul Curnow believes South Africa holds significant upside potential for manufacturers and developers of commercial rooftop solar photovoltaic (PV) projects, as these players would be able to bypass ofte
Operational, financial headwinds place Eskom in worst position in ‘living memory’
Engineering News ONLINE 25 November 2014 State-owned electricity utility Eskom is forecasting a dramatic slump in profitability for the full-year to March 31, 2015, with CEO Tshediso Matona indicating that its profit is likely to fall to R500-million in 2014/15 from nearly R7.1-billion in 2013/14. Rel
Fourth renewables bid announcement postponed, amid third-round closure delay
Engineering News ONLINE 24 November 2014 The announcement of the preferred bidders arising from the fourth bid window of South Africa’s Renewable Energy Independent Power Producer Procurement Programme (REIPPPP), scheduled for Monday November 24, has been delayed, Engineering News Online can con
Industry ‘must cut 10% of power usage’
Business Day LIVE 24 November 2014 ESKOM on Sunday declared a “power emergency” for large industrial customers, requiring them to immediately reduce their electricity usage by 10%. This followed load-shedding across the country at the weekend. “The power system has experienced an increas
EWN 24 November 2014 JOHANNESBURG – Eskom says although the power grid remains severely constrained, load shedding will not be implemented during the early parts of this week. On Sunday, the power utility declared a power emergency with industrial customers and escalated load shedding to stage two
Photovoltaic Business Delegation from Taiwan On-site appointment request
ITRI and SEMI, South Africa Photovoltaic Delegation organizing group, sincerely request a courtesy visit of 1 – 2 hours to your company on December 04th, which will be a great value to the delegates from Taiwan Solar Cell/Module/Invertor/BOS manufacturers. Click here to view invitation letter
Photovoltaic Business Matching Conference Invitation
The ITRI (Industrial Technology Research Institute) and SEMI, South Africa Photovoltaic Delegation organizing group, are hosting a Business Matching Conference, 02 December 2014 at 10:00~15:00 at the Protea Balalaika Sandton. To view full details, please click here